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Friday, May 28, 2010

Training Carrier Pigeons

Carrier pigeons return home after long flights. Time for training pigeon is usually kept less because carrier pigeon take less time to train. Carrier pigeons were used as a communication method in World War i and ii for messaging purpose were the message was taped to their leg and was sent to the required destination. Some people even train carrier pigeons for racing. No matter what your purpose is but with repetition and patience you can train a carrier pigeon in a short period of time.InstructionsIn order to train a carrier pigeon we should start...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Old Dutch Capuchine Pigeon

Old Dutch Capuchine Pigeonالقديم Dutch capuchine حمامة | Pombo velho de Capuchine de holandês[More Pictur...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

King Pigeon

King Pigeonالملك حمامة | Re Piccione[More Pictur...

Indian Fantail Pigeon

The Indian Fantail pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon. The Indian Fantail doves originated in India. These birds are well known for there beauty. Their fan shape tailed makes them differ from other pigeon breeds. They are bigger in size than English fantail pigeon.[More Pictur...

Jacobin Pigeon

Jacobin PigeonPaloma jacobina | jacobin कबूतर[More Pictur...

Frill Back Pigeon

Frill Back PigeonLe volant de retour Pigeon | Ornare di ruche di nuovo Piccione[More Pictur...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chinese Owl Pigeon

Chinese Owl PigeonLe Pigeon chinois de Hibou | Il Piccione di Gufo cinese[More Pictur...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

American Giant Homer Pigeon

American Giant Homer PigeonLe Géant américain Homer Pigeon | Homer Piccione americano Gigantesco[More Pictur...

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Texan Pioneer Pigeon

Texan Pioneer Pigeonتكساس الرواد حمامة | Pombo de Pioneiro de texano[More Pictur...

Saturday, May 08, 2010

English Fantail Pigeon

English Fantail PigeonАнглийский Голубь Веерообразного хвоста | Englische Fantail Taube[More Pictur...

Friday, May 07, 2010

British Show Racer Pigeon

British Show Racer Pigeonوتظهر البريطانية racer حمامة | Exposição britânica Pombo de Corredor[More Pictur...

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Nuremberg Lark Pigeon

Nuremberg Lark PigeonLe Pigeon d'Alouette de Nuremberg | Piccione di Allodola di Nuremberg[More Pictur...

White Flying Homer Pigeon

White Flying Homer Pigeonسدس حمامة بيضاء تحمل | Viajar de avião branco Pombo de Doméstico [More Pictur...

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Voorburg Shield Cropper Pigeon

Voorburg Shield Cropper PigeonLe Voorburg la Protection Variété Pigeon | Voorburg Protezione Fiasco Piccione[More Pictur...

Saxon Monk Pigeon

Saxon Monk PigeonPigeon saxon de Moine | Piccione di Monaco sassone[More Pictur...